المفوضية الاوروبية


والأغذية والغابات الإيطالي
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منظمة الأغذية والزراعة MedSudMed المشروع. © مشروع MedSudMed منظمة الأغذية والزراعة - موقع ويب. [على الإنترنت]. روما. محدث. [مستشهد ].


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GCP/RER/010/ITA/MSM-02 (MedSudMed Technical Documents n°2)
Report of the Expert consultation on the spatial distribution of demersal resources in the Straits of Sicily and the influence of environmental factors and fishery characteristics

Levi, D. - Bahri, T. - Camilleri, M. - Jarboui, O. - Massa, F. - Ragonese, S. - Zgozi, S. مؤلفون

3.7 MB

2004 عام   102 صفحات
demersal resources - expert consultation - spatial distribution - Strait of Sicily كلمات المفاتيح

The first Expert Consultation, Spatial Distribution of Demersal Resources in the Straits of Sicily and the Influence of Environmental Factors and Fishery Characteristics, was held in Malta from 10 to 12 December 2002. All four MedSudMed countries (Tunisia, Malta, Libya, Italy) were represented, as well as colleagues from the Copemed Project and one external expert from the University of Plymouth. As agreed during the Coordination Committee meeting, the objective of the Expert Consultation was to provide an overview of available knowledge on the issue, draw up a programme for the activities to be implemented on the basis of common methodology, propose pilot study cases and identify needs in national and regional expertise. The technical contributions regarded four main themes: fishery biology, physical environment, biocenoses, and tools and data management. A synthesis was made by working groups who provided a summary of the available knowledge and data, a listing of the gaps and recommendations to fill these gaps. Discussions were conducted towards an agreement on an indicative work plan. The adoption of common methods and terminology was considered of utmost importance. The standardization of available data and sampling design also appeared as a priority.


المرفقات الواردة

ANNEX of GCP/RER/010/ITA/MSM-02 (MedSudMed Technical Documents n°2)
Influence of environmental parameters and fishery on demersal fish distribution along the Tunisian coast

130 KB

مؤلفون  Jarboui, O.- El Abed, A.
صفحات  3


كلمات المفاتيح demersal resources - demographic parameters - fishing effort - reproductive biology - spatial distribution - Tunisia
ANNEX of GCP/RER/010/ITA/MSM-02 (MedSudMed Technical Documents n°2)
The effects of environmental factors on the distribution of crustaceans along the Tunisian coast

108 KB

مؤلفون  Missaoui, H.
صفحات  1


كلمات المفاتيح crustaceans - Tunisia
ANNEX of GCP/RER/010/ITA/MSM-02 (MedSudMed Technical Documents n°2)
Distribution and abundance of the demersal fish community in Klang Strait (Malaysia) in relation to environmental factors

105 KB

مؤلفون  Zgozi, S.
صفحات  1


كلمات المفاتيح demersal resources - environmental factors - Malaysia
ANNEX of GCP/RER/010/ITA/MSM-02 (MedSudMed Technical Documents n°2)
Viability of exploiting virgin trawlable fishing areas

111 KB

مؤلفون  Busuttil, C.
صفحات  3


كلمات المفاتيح demersal resources - virgin fishing areas
ANNEX of GCP/RER/010/ITA/MSM-02 (MedSudMed Technical Documents n°2)
Maltese offshore benthic habitats and biota

106 KB

مؤلفون  Schembri, P.J.
صفحات  1


كلمات المفاتيح biocoenoses - Malta - marine habitats
ANNEX of GCP/RER/010/ITA/MSM-02 (MedSudMed Technical Documents n°2)
Acquisition and analysis of benthic photographs

106 KB

مؤلفون  Pilgrim, D.
صفحات  1


كلمات المفاتيح marine habitats - underwater photographs
ANNEX of GCP/RER/010/ITA/MSM-02 (MedSudMed Technical Documents n°2)
Mapping of the hydrographical characteristics relevant to fisheries in the vicinity of the Maltese Islands

117 KB

مؤلفون  Drago, A.
صفحات  2


كلمات المفاتيح environmental factors - Malta - numerical modelling - physical processes
ANNEX of GCP/RER/010/ITA/MSM-02 (MedSudMed Technical Documents n°2)
Available meteorological data series relevant to fishery ecology

105 KB

مؤلفون  Gauci, F.
صفحات  1


كلمات المفاتيح Malta - meteorology
ANNEX of GCP/RER/010/ITA/MSM-02 (MedSudMed Technical Documents n°2)
Review of environmental data available to the public on the Web

107 KB

مؤلفون  Giacalone, V.
صفحات  2


كلمات المفاتيح environmental factors - public data
ANNEX of GCP/RER/010/ITA/MSM-02 (MedSudMed Technical Documents n°2)
Application of remote-sensing technology to the study of the spatial distribution of demersal resources and the influence of environmental factors in the central Mediterranean

125 KB

مؤلفون  Galdies, C.
صفحات  2


كلمات المفاتيح environmental factors - image processing - satellite data
ANNEX of GCP/RER/010/ITA/MSM-02 (MedSudMed Technical Documents n°2)
Modelling of environmental conditions relevant to assessment of fishery resources and ecosystems in the central Mediterranean

110 KB

مؤلفون  Nickovic, S. - Micallef, A.
صفحات  2


كلمات المفاتيح environmental factors - numerical modelling - ocean productivity - physical processes - satellite data
ANNEX of GCP/RER/010/ITA/MSM-02 (MedSudMed Technical Documents n°2)
Knowledge and spatial management tools for the environmental sciences

114 KB

مؤلفون  Gatt, M. - Agius, C. - Camilleri, M.
صفحات  2


كلمات المفاتيح data management - GIS
ANNEX of GCP/RER/010/ITA/MSM-02 (MedSudMed Technical Documents n°2)
The "Ressources" application

105 KB

مؤلفون  Bensch, A. - Jarboui, O.
صفحات  1


كلمات المفاتيح data management - GIS - spatial analysis - trawl survey
ANNEX of GCP/RER/010/ITA/MSM-02 (MedSudMed Technical Documents n°2)
Potential biological and environmental influences on the Octopus vulgaris population of the Gulf of Gabès (south-eastern Tunisian coast)

196 KB

مؤلفون  Ezzeddine-Naja, S. - El Abed, A.
صفحات  8


كلمات المفاتيح abiotic environment - biotic environment - demographic parameters - Gulf of Gabès - Octopus vulgaris - reproductive biology
ANNEX of GCP/RER/010/ITA/MSM-02 (MedSudMed Technical Documents n°2)
Some relevant information on the spatial distribution of demersal resources, benthic biocoenoses and fishing pressure in the Strait of Sicily

1.830 KB

مؤلفون  Fiorentino, F. - Garofalo, G. - Gristina, M. - Gancitano, S. - Norrito, G.
صفحات  17


كلمات المفاتيح biocoenoses - demersal resources - fishing effort - fishing pressure - nursery areas - recruitment - spatial distribution - spawning areas - stock unit - Strait of Sicily - trawl fishing impact
ANNEX of GCP/RER/010/ITA/MSM-02 (MedSudMed Technical Documents n°2)
Overview of the available biological information on demersal resources of the Strait of Sicily

327 KB

مؤلفون  Ragonese, S. - Andreoli, G. - Bono, G. - Giusto, G.B. - Rizzo, P. - Sinacori, G.
صفحات  8


كلمات المفاتيح abundance index - demersal resources - demographic parameters - Strait of Sicily
ANNEX of GCP/RER/010/ITA/MSM-02 (MedSudMed Technical Documents n°2)
Commercial demersal marine species of Libya

460 KB

مؤلفون  Rawag, A.A. - Haddoud, D.A. - Zgozi, S.
صفحات  7


كلمات المفاتيح demersal resources - Libya - spatial distribution - trawl survey
ANNEX of GCP/RER/010/ITA/MSM-02 (MedSudMed Technical Documents n°2)
Sessile megabenthic species from Tunisian littoral sites

312 KB

مؤلفون  Mustapha, K.B. - Afli, A. - Hattour, A. - El Abed, A.
صفحات  16


كلمات المفاتيح biocoenoses - coralligenous assemblages - Gulf of Gabès - Gulf of Hammamet - Gulf of Tunis - macrobenthic assemblages - marine habitats - sea grass meadows - Tunisia
ANNEX of GCP/RER/010/ITA/MSM-02 (MedSudMed Technical Documents n°2)
The HRPT station at IRMA-CNR in Mazara del Vallo for the acquisition and analysis of satellite data in the Strait of Sicily

116 KB

مؤلفون  Pernice, G.
صفحات  5


كلمات المفاتيح satellite data - image processing - Strait of Sicily - environmental factors - ocean productivity

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