التقييم والتصرف في الموارد السمكية والنظم البيئية في مضيق صقلية


منظمة الأمم المتحدة للأغذية والزراعة



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GCP/RER/010/ITA/MSM-03 (MedSudMed Technical Documents n°3)
Report of the MedSudMed Expert Consultation on Marine Protected Areas and Fisheries Management

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2007 سنة النشر   100 صفحات
Artisanal fishing - Biodiversity - Bottom trawling - Ecosystem management - Fishery resources - Fishing effort - Introduced species - Migratory species - Multispecies fisheries - Resources conservation - Trawling - Yield كلمات المفاتيح

The second Expert consultation organized by the MedSudMed Project was devoted to Marine Protected Areas as tools for fishery management. It took place in Tunis from 14 to 16 April 2003. Twenty-seven experts from research institutions in the MedSudMed participating countries, as well as experts from the FAO CopeMed Project, UNEP RAC/SPA and IUCN attended the meeting. A total of 15 presentations were given according to the terms of reference of the meeting. On the basis of the experts’ experience, an overview of several issues related to MPAs in the Mediterranean Sea was given. It highlighted the existence of expertise in the Project area as for monitoring and management of MPAs. The main points raised were: the suitable size for MPAs; impact of fishing closure and artificial reefs on stock and species diversity enhancement; impact of alien species on species diversity and strategies for their monitoring; the suitability of MPAs as fishery management tools. The meeting also allowed taking stock of the existing MPAs in some of the participating countries.


الصفحة الرئيسية   : :المشروع    : :الأنشطة    : :المنشورات    : :الأحداث     : :معلومات المصائد للبلد: :

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FAO-MedSudMed project. © FAO MedSudMed project - Web site. [online]. Rome. Updated. [Cited ].